Polychromatic Scanning Electron Microscopy Image Gallery


3D Printing 








Salt-templated hydrogel for drug delivery

Salt-templated hydrogel for drug delivery

Cryo-templated hydrogel for drug delivery

Anti-thrombotic surface coating (upper portion of image)

Thermal barrier coating

Polycrystalline manganese oxide

Pacific coral skeleton (Coscinaraea sp.)

Pacific coral skeleton (Montipora sp.)

Pacific coral skeleton (Montipora sp.)

Pacific coral skeleton (Platygyra sp.)

Pacific coral skeleton (Goniopora sp.)

Pacific coral skeleton (Cyphastrea sp.)

Aluminum ductile fracture

Using a radial array of electron detectors, we can deconstruct and spatially resolve the entire electron scatter field emitted from the surface of a sample.  After color-coding the electron detection profiles from multiple angles, we can subsequently  recombine these signals for the generation of a polychromatic electron micrograph where variability in surface topography is revealed in a dazzling array of hues.  The high angular sensitivity of this technique permits the effective illustration of subtle differences in surface profile in structurally heterogenous materials.  PCSEM.html

Complex suture geometries in a plant seed coat

Self-assembling peptides

Human lung cilia

Micro-textured super-hydrophobic surface

3D-printed porous ceramic

Pacific coral skeleton (Echinopora sp.)

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