Research Highlight (with article links)
From antiquity to the future: Innovations in concrete science and multi-scale characterization
Self-healing mechanisms in ancient Roman concrete
Hot mixing: Mechanistic insights into the durability of ancient Roman concrete
Linda M Seymour, Janille Maragh, Paolo Sabatini, Michel Di Tommaso, James C Weaver, Admir Masic
Science Advances 9 (1), eadd1602 2023
Low-cost electrical energy storage from globally abundant raw materials
Carbon–cement supercapacitors as a scalable bulk energy storage solution
Nicolas Chanut, Damian Stefaniuk, James C Weaver, Yunguang Zhu, Yang Shao-Horn, Admir Masic, Franz-Josef Ulm
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
120 (32), e2304318120 2023
New tools for multi-scale characterization of cementitious materials
Large-scale micron-order 3D surface correlative chemical imaging of ancient Roman concrete
Janille M Maragh, James C Weaver, Admir Masic
PloS One 14 (2), e0210710 2019